Welcome New Scouts!
First of all, welcome to Pack 970. We're all very glad to have your Scouts in our Pack! Here is a little intro information. At the beginning, it may feel like you are drinking from a firehose of information, but don't worry! You'll figure things out very quickly and we will be here to get you started.
Step 1 - Apply! If you are new you can apply online HERE or in person at our Signup Night August 26th or any Pack Meeting.
Step 2 - Come to the meetings! When the Pack comes together as a whole for a Pack Meeting, we meet at Hope Unitarian Church on the second Monday of the month. The individual Dens meet separately at times that work for the smaller groups of kids and families.
Step 3 - Go to the Scout Shop and get your child's uniform and handbook. The Scout Shop staff will help you find all of the uniform parts to ensure your child is in full uniform. You don't need to start with every uniform part. Of course, you can if you want, but for starters, you need a shirt, neckerchief, and scout handbook.
We have Pack Committee meetings generally once a month where plans are made for upcoming meetings and events. These meetings are open to all parents. If you want to join the Committee, please ask for a membership application. You don't have to be a "Committee Member" to attend.
Never be afraid to ask questions! We were all new once!!!
What Every Scout Learns First as a Bobcat
The first award a new 1st grade through 5th grade new Scout earns is the rank of Bobcat. The Scout will work on this in one his/her first Den meetings. The requirements are listed here:
1. Learn and say the Scout Oath, with help if needed.
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
2. Learn and say the Scout Law, with help if needed.
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
3. Say the Cub Scout Motto.
Do Your Best
4. Show the Cub Scout Sign. Tell what it means.
Make the V-sign with your right hand and with your arm held straight up. The two fingers stand for the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. Give the Cub Scout Sign when you say the Scout Oath or Scout Law.
5. Show the Cub Scout Handshake. Tell what it means.
Using your right hand, place your fist two fingers along the inside of the other scout’s wrist. This means that you help each other remember and obey the Scout Oath and Law.
6. Give the Cub Scout Salute. Tell what it means.
Point your first two fingers of your right hand out straight and close together two. Touch the tip of the fingers to your hat or, if not wearing a hat, to your eyebrow. A salute is a way to show respect. When you salute the flag, you show that you respect your country.
7. Parent protection for your child
Each parent or adult partner must complete the exercises in the booklet "How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse. This booklet can be found online and in the front of every scout handbook. This requirement is repeated each year as a requirement for each new rank.